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Configurator Model 2000 D/Eb

Tuning of instrument:

Ordering clarinets in D and Eb as a set

Equipment options:

Select the equipment for your desired clarinet from the following categories:


*) May be higher due to gold price development.

Right hand index finger
Thumb rest
Wooden thumb plate
Vent hole
Side trill
Ring key mechanic, right hand
Further options no / yes
Second F/C’’’ key upper joint  
Fork-Bb’’-ring on the upper joint (392,70 €)  
Eb-lever (392,70 €)   
F-lever (327,25 €)   
Split C key (Bb/C# trill) (392,70 €)  
low E correction(981,75 €)  

Bassett-Unterstück statt normalem Unterstück
(2.975,00 €)
Für A und B Klarinette über 'Stimmung' dazubuchbar.

The mouthpiece is not included. Please choose a suitable one from our Online-Shop.


Please select your desired case. Depending on the instrument model you selected, and on whether you chose a set, there are different case options. Details on the cases can be found here.

Total cost of your selection
€ incl. 19% VAT. *)
*) Netto:  €  

Price enquiry for your selection:

Optionally, you can send us your selection for further consultation and a detailed offer:

Please confirm: